(photo by strange_alien on google search, edits by me)
I really do enjoy "finding" new bloggers and meeting you through your blogs. I have learned and laughed! I especially love the hilarious humor and witty words and eloquent encouragements (oh, like you may have heard me say before...I love alliteration, goofy, but I can't help it...I do) and amazing talent (didn't do it here, I thought I might lose some of you if I continued with that...)
I appreciate your emails and love reading your comments! Because I have learned as I blog and that all of you seasoned bloggers already know...it takes time to blog and read... and that we all have lots of special people, places, events, etc to manage and be real with... not just the virtual friends, places and events in the blog world. (Wow! After reading some of your blogs, I am in awe that y'all can do it as much as you do! :o)
Your comments are (borrowing from Forrest Gump's memorable quote):
..."like opening a box of chocolates..."
(image found on google search)
or finding your comments are like finding pretty packages...
(gift boxes by Bellenza)
Thankfully, I am done with school and hope to find the place God has for me to do what I went to school to be-a dental hygienist....(I really gotta get out there...we bought a cute mini cooper...which will get me to work...which will then allow me to get paid...which will go towards the car payments...which pays for the cooper that takes me to work...and on and on...what a circle that is :o)
(The Friday before LittleMiss had to fly back to Kentucky, we took a drive to Broughton Street, Savannah. After shopping at the cute little shops on Broughton, LittleMiss and I drove past this street with the blue mini & the red mini... How cute was that? I wanted to take a picture of our mini parked behind the others... a regular little mini convention going on :o) And then we stopped by one of the beautiful town squares, before heading home.
(photos by LittleMiss)
So, while I am looking for that dental office to be a part of, this time has been a great "break" to...
1)...jump into Etsy (thank you for asking about the drawings... please feel free to take a peek in my shop.
Here is one of the Army helicopters given to a customer's husband after returning from Iraq.
(PersonalizedSketches copy of original)
And this was given as a gift to a man that takes his tractor to antique shows.
(PersonalizedSketches copy of original)
And some have asked if the drawings can be of anything. Yes, each of the drawings are done entirely, with a person's name and ANY subject using ANY name can be drawn. They are not limited to the samples that are listed.) You can go to this post to see the first one I had drawn and read when that was done.
2)...jump into blogging (My blogging is about the artwork that I do and about our family, so that you can learn a bit about the person behind the art). I love that so many of you are so talented and that we are able to get to know you and your work through your blogs. If I was able to find your button, I posted them on my marquees. Be sure to check out these talented folk!
(Thank you, girly-whirly aka our older daughter aka theluckiestmrs. ...for opening up this adventure that I am on! and for winning the blog designing done for me by the talented duo of Blogalcious Designs. They were so patient....remember, I had to ask a truckload of questions and they were great at getting me started. ...they are both beautiful, great at hearing what you are looking for, patient...I know I said that already...but I feel this a great thing to be when you come across those like me...with all those questions, right? )
I would have too many examples to list here of the many, many questions I have had! And oh, my goodness, you all have been great resources! With that said, I am sure that I may have even asked a couple of questions more than once (2x? 3x? um, please dont count!)
(image found on google search-edits by me)
Your explanations have been perfect, but I admit that I look at what is written and may even nod my head in the affirmative... but then I do the very thing that ends up causing me to scratch my head wondering "what just happened?" It hasn't all been mistakes and I have been pleasantly surprised at some of the "technical" stuff that I've managed to do... it may be a one time thing, but yay for that success!
So, I am getting there when it comes to computers, but hands down when it comes to anything remotely connected with computers...this is where I am the most at ease and love, love, love doing... drawing a computer (well, not only computers of course:o)
(PersonalizedSketches copy of original)
Ok, one last thing...I have to share this most recent example with you, just so you can get a better idea of how I am learning all the time when it comes to blogging!... :o)
(it is fun to know that a blogger does see the comments left on their posts), but I have to admit that after reading this email from a great blogger theshoppingmama: "Thank you...and the compliments on my WW post!", it took me having to look back and hoping I could find out what a WW post was! haha
I didnt want to have to ask yet another question, so I went back to her blog and scrolled down through, hoping I would see "WW post" or that something would jump out at me... OH! yes, her adorable little guy and his back to school photos... WW... so it went off like fireworks in my head...Wordless Wednesday! Whew! I am now a little more blog-wiser!
(photo taken by my sister-in-law in SanDiego)
*Question: What do you do if you find an image from the internet that doesn't identify the creator? I have tried to be sure to give credit on images I find, but sometimes can't find anything that specifies its origin. Please leave a comment, if ya have a minute.
Blessings & Aloha!
I LOVE mini coopers!!! :-)
That mini parade was so fun! I like the bright red one a lot. I always liked those cars but since my Dad is a GM retire we always buy GM cars. Have to support the company that put food on our table and me though college!
Glad to know Blogalicious Designs were so great to work with. I had a terrible time with the designer I hired. She could not seem to deliver what I wanted and even though I was very specific things just did not look professional like I wanted them to. We ended up terminating the contract and I got my deposit back. She just wasn't the right designer, I am very picky and want things just so especially if I am shelling out money for it!
Wanted to tell you, I'll be MIA for a bit even though my blog will still have posts each day. I'll see you again on Monday☺
You are amazingly gifted. I am in awe. So glad you stopped by my blog!!! Can't wait to peek around here.
You're a sweetheart, Maria! We enjoyed working you. And don't be so hard on yourself... you're picking up this blogging thing rather quickly!
Your daughter is so lovely! My husband and I lived in Kentucky for several years, and we just visited and fell in love with Savannah in the spring. Small world!
Just wanted to stop by and leave you some blog love!
Have a great weekend!!
A truellt talented youn lady.I wish for you a very long and happy life.I wish you get the job of your dreams.And May God bless you.XXOO Marie Antionette
Thank you for the bloggy love, my friend!
I love those little cars, so cute.
I rarely print things I find online because I can't be sure if they are copyright free or royalty free. Since I don't want to risk being sued or asked to pay for them I just don't use them.
Some pictures are free if you credit the source though.
Forgot to tell you that if you meant you tried to access your blog and was blocked, apparently Google was blocking blogs today that use the new McLinky.
However, that's all fixed now, so if you've ever used it, that's probably why.
Blogger thought they were fake blogs and not blogs by real people. But Brent has been in contact with blogger and all is fixed now, so we can use it without fear.
Otherwise, I'm not sure how that happened.
Oh my gosh... I love getting comments, too. And, you, my friend, always leave great comments that I totally appreciate. I'm sorry for my email crazy shorthand response the other day!
Your sketches are awesome and totally beautiful.
And, to answer your question... I don't know! That's a great question.
Congrats on your mini. SO cute!
I am amazed at your talent and your insight! Wow! You have such beauty inside and out!
I love mini coopers! That should get you to work and back in style and without eating up too much gas!
Thanks for your encouraging words and comments on my blog. I will take more time to look around the rest of your blog...what I've seen, is awesome!
Your car is so cute,, (love the color) and what fun to see all similar models in line. You and your daughter are both so cute too. Thank you so much for coming by my blog and leaving comments. I really appreciate it! Good luck in your job hunting...Christine
What a cute car! Thank you for your faithful comments on my blog. I really appreciate your encouraging words! Good luck on your job search! Blessings from Hong Kong, Kim
YOU are amazing!! I can't believe the way you can turn a NAME into such a beautiful image! What a lovely way to share your God-given talent with others.
If I can't find who took a picture, I usually just try to link to where I found it. I use flickr's creative commons a lot now, because there is SO much on there, and the photographers/artists give permission to use their work with proper credit given. If you need to know more, just ask!
Thank you for thinking of me while I deal with all this craziness and change in my life right now. Where in KY are your children? And where in GA are you? We live about an hour from the Western KY border--not far from Cumberland Gap. I lived in Georgia for 5 years in a little town called Rossville, right outside Chattanooga.
Have a fabulous week!
Ok.. I don't know why I didn't notice these before..but your art is amazing!! I have been searching ebay all night long for airplane related things to hang in Graham's room...so i'm all over the art right now... too cute!!
Your daughter's wedding picture is absolutely beautiful!
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