Wednesday, December 7, 2011 be or not to be?

I am repeating part of a previous post...
Our younger daughter (Girly~Whirly) and some friends are hosting a baby shower for our older daughter (Girly~Twirly), so I'll be flying out after work.  I wanted to be sure to still join in on Ms. Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday fun...

So here it is... E is for be or not to be?

...I mentioned a little bit about this on my very first blogging post "A little Bit about Me"...

Let's see...the thing that you have to catch in this story is...what a fast worker my Handsome Honey is!

(one of our engagement photos)

We met in November 1980. I was 16, he was 18. (I was a Senior in high school. Both our birthdays are in December.

We would go out on the Friday or Saturday nights that he wasn't on shift. And he was at our house during my school nights that he wasn't on shift. (At the time, he was an Air Force firefighter/EMT and they worked every other day and on his 6th day off, they had  3 day break...)

December 1980, he flew home to spend Christmas with family in Hawaii.

(My handsome Hawaiian Honey in green shorts and his older brother in blue shorts and yellow muscle shirt after lifting some weights!)  *did I say handsome? ...yessiree bob! ;o)*

After he came back to New Mexico, around the first part of January, he had a ring! I was a wee bit surprised!

I mean...I really, really, really liked him, but wow! that was pretty fast! :o)

***Let me *pause* to give you my Handsome Honey's story of how this came about so quickly...
he says he definitely knew I was the one.

Before he met me, he had gone to listen to a Christian body builder (Bob Birdsong) speak. During Mr. Birdsong's testimony, he spoke about how he prayed for a wife... "...blond, blue-eyed...etc..."

Well, that made an impact on my Handsome Honey, so when he went back to his barracks, he prayed for a wife... "...blond, blue-eyed... (Yeah! I am NOT blond nor blue-eyed! :o)

...but then my Handsome Honey says he immediately stopped, cuz he felt that the Lord knew and had the one picked out for him. (Good thing!)

Shortly after that prayer, we met...

(another engagement photo)

My Handsome Honey was very fast at declaring and saying "I love you"!

I wrote "to be or not to be?", cuz my dad promptly had me return the ring back. (Um... the two of us thought we were so grown up and ready!...and at that time, thought "how unreasonable Dad was!") Now, of course, both of us see that Dad was very reasonable! (For goodness sakes, we were mere babes and we knew each other less than a month!)

So...I gave the ring back and it wasn't until Oct 1981, when my dad was retiring from the Air Force and we were moving to Wisconsin that he allowed me to accept the ring. (We think his thinking on that was with us moving away, we might not stay engaged....after all, there isnt the convenience of cell phones, facebook, skype, and whatever else there is now-a-days to keep in constant communication with).

But here we are...almost 30 years later...together more years than the years we had not known each other! the grace of blessed!

(taken at the Melting Pot in Savannah... on June 19, 2011...we used the card that our younger daughter Girly~Whirly sent us for our Feb 29th Anniversary).


Still working on more orders for Christmas and I do like to be sure that I do not post an order before they have been given to the recipient.

But am able to share this local order that was delivered.
Thank you Ann for ordering this one to display  in your Coffee Cafe of your Hill House logo.

(first one in black and white and the second after a little color was added, like your logo shows).

And thank you for the delicious coffee, quiche and other yummy treats that you sell and serve there.


I am so Excited to be flying up to see all our three kids...I'll be posting some photos of the fun times Girly~Twirly's baby Girly~Whirly's birthday...and just hanging out with our girls, son Heartbreaker, son-in-law Dr. Awesome, and future son-in-law Dr. Amazing. :o)

Thank you for stopping by and for your comments!

Signature for blog


Judie said...

Youare so blessed to have found your soul mate. The two of you have so much to be thankful for, and I know that you know it. Have a wonderful holiday season!!

Vicki/Jake said...

Have fun at the baby shower! And thanks for proving some things are just meant to be:)

tracy said...

Hello Dear Maria
I love your E post...Its very interesting to read a little more about you, yes I would agree with dear dad, you were just a tad young for an official engagement to your muscle man, but time did not stand in your way...
Its good to let the Lord lead...I and my Mr.B. share a similar story and involved God in our decision to marry too.
Lovely story, and all the best to you and your precious family.
Have a safe and joyful trip...

Baby shower?...Does this mean you are to be a grandma???

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Love your love story and glad you listened to your dad. Congrats to you and Mr B for so many wonderful years together! Wow, have fun at your daughter's baby shower, grandma to be! Being a grandparent is awesome! I remember my dad asking me over the phone, when I was engaged to P, while overseas in the Air Force,"Are you still planning on doing what you are planning on doing?" Yes, dad. We married there and didn't have family but friends there. Would u believe what my dad was doing the day we were married? Putting in a sidewalk at the house he and mom lived in. Talk about solid! It is kinda funny, don't ya think? Take care and hugs to you!

Pat said...

Enjoyed your story! Wishing you a safe journey and special times with the family...

Annesphamily said...

I love reading these posts! It is so fun to read about our phamily time. This was great! enjoy the trip you are taking and thanks for sharing your loved ones with all of us. Anne

Pondside said...

A true Love Story - beautiful! What an example to your children the two of you are....and how wise your dad was!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Great post Maria...your father was we were the same at 16 years old....that's when we started have a lovely family; enjoy the time with them at the will be lots of fun. take care

Anonymous said...

You have been blessed with such a wonderful marriage!

Francisca said...

Early Engagement or not, what is meant to be is meant to be. How Exciting!

Ashley said...

What a great story, and what a blessing that all these years later y'all are still together! That's rare these days, but I know that with God all things are possible! I only pray that 30 years from now my love and I will be able to share our story with everyone & give God all the glory for it!! He is already getting all the glory for what He has done so far!!
Thank you for sharing, & I pray you have a wonderful time with your children!!

-Many Smiles!

anitamombanita said...

You were a cute couple back then, but the years have been good to both of you and you have aged exquisitely together. Hooray for love!! You wear it well!!

Lola said...

Superb ‘E’ post – and superb story!

Have a great weekend too & look forward to *seeing* you soon.

Here’s mine

Jen Price said...

That is young! Such a sweet story. I love how, when you know it's the right one, you know!

Anonymous said...

you two look great!

Robin Lynn said...

Hello Maria- what a wonderful story! The years have been good to you and yours. Thanks for sharing your heart and have so*much*fun with your precious ones! Exciting time!!

Betty said...

I loved your pictures and story. Have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your kids.

The Poet said...

I can attest to the fact that some things in life are indeed worth waiting for. The two of you look great together...then & now.
Have a lovely trip, be safe in your travels & just enjoy your time with your family.
I love what you did with the bit of color for Hill House.
Thanks for a lovely post.

For ref:
Eleven Roses And You

Cheryl D. said...

You were certainly young when you met your hubby-to-be! Your father was a smart man to make you return the ring. I be he NEVER thought you'd end up marrying the guy! LOL

Jessica | Cajunlicious said...

Love this post, so much love!

xinex said...

Ooooh, I just love reading about your love story again, Maria. Have fun at the baby shower...Christine

Jenny said...

Extraordinary Engagement story!

Thank you for sharing it with us again!!!

Excellent Job....


Amy said...

What a lovely post. :) I love your engagement pictures. You two are so cute and adorable together. SO precious.

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