Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A is...All About the Art...

...that I do...
"that's All about You!"

Some of you may know about Personalized Sketches Artwork. this is nothing new.

But there may be some readers that are new to my blog.

And sometimes, even after someone, initially looks at one of the drawings that I do...

some may not realize that each of the Personalized Sketches is drawn entirely with a name.

Here is a photo from a local newspaper article in Alabama.
Girly Whirly is in my lap, while Girly Twirly helps hold a drawing.

Our last name was spelled incorrectly... 
which has happened often.
...lots of people like to put that "H" by the "T" :o)

I did one back in 1985 for a gift for my brother.
...and after others saw that one, I began taking orders.
This was drawn in pencil. 
All the ones I do for orders are in a fade-proof ink on medium/heavy weight art paper.

... I have been blessed and thankful for those interested in the Art that I do.

Here are some examples...drawn throughout the years:

A is for:


Army Airborne crest:


Arc de Triomphe:

Apache helicopter:



Joining in with:
Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday meme 
starting back again with the letter A.



And ending this post with a few recent photos of when we were able to drive up to visit 
with our Awesome kiddoes on Labor Day weekend.

Our older daughter aka Dr. B
aka Girly~Twirly  
aka The Luckiest Mrs. & her Mister (also Dr. B) ;o)
and my hubby and I at a Pizza King!

Being together "is good"! 
Our son-Heartbreaker, 
younger daughter-Girly~Whirly, 
& older daughter-Girly~Twirly

Blessed to spend time with our
Girly~Twirly and Girly~Whirly.
They surely have grown up
and although not our little bitty, sweethearts from that newspaper article.
...We are so thankful and blessed that they are beautiful, loving Godly women.


I am still hosting the giveaways for my 100th post, so please feel free to go to THIS POST 
and enter if you would like.   

Because of the response, I will add one more 8x10 to be picked from the comments left on this post.

It will be for an 8x10 of your choice of image, in your choice of name. 
(Shipping, tube and insurance cost will not be included. I will let you know what the cost is outside the continental United States. Otherwise, the cost for UPS shipping, tube and insurance of the 8x10 is $12).

Thank you so much for stopping by! 
If you are not interested in these little giveaways, please still feel free to leave a comment.
I appreciate all that you have to say :o)

We'll be in an Airplane headed to Hawaii next week!
I will try to do a post before we leave, but if not, I will when we come back.

Giveaways will be open for entries until Sept 29th at midnight EST.  My hubby and I will be leaving to visit his family in Hawaii on September 30th and returning on October 9th, so winners will be announced on the following week's post on Oct 14th.

***Also, please leave a contact email, if you are not a blogger or to be sure that I can notify you if you are one of those picked.***

Signature for blog


Anonymous said...

you look like your daughters' sister, not their mother! :-)

your drawings are amazing Maria.

Jo said...

Maria, your art has always amazed me ... very cool talent you have!

twinkietotmom said...

Wow...those are really neat! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I agree with the commenter before me!
Lovely drawings. What a fun idea to draw something using a word or name that is repeated. I've never done that! I may try it one day, as I am also a person who likes to draw.
Best wishes,

Forgive me for not returning a comment that you left on one of my posts. I am still trying to catch up. Life is kinda rocky right now. I have to put a time-limit on blogging. I'm looking for a job.

Anna's A-word(Mrs.Jenny-Rd2)

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Such a beautiful family and a lovely post for the letter A!
Happy Alphabet Day!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic art pieces, and lovely family! Nothing is better than spending time with loved ones!

Terra said...

A talent I don't have and wish I did. A talent so pure and beautiful.

DT ~ RDH said...

You are SO remarkably talented. Your drawings are amazing and original!! Have a wonderful time in HI, and thanks for eating that manapua for me :D !!!!!

Jenilee said...

your family is beautiful and the art is so great! thanks for linking up! :)

tracy said...

Oh, Hello Maria

You are truly a commited lady, to join up in 3 diffrent blog activities....I love all your "A" pictures that you drew, and the family news paper photo is lovely...Girly~Twirly and Girly~Whirly are as pretty back in the day as there are now, they take after there mother!!!!
I am on my way to the 100th post ing...very nice give away!!!

Jules said...

What a very handsome family. Your art is incredible I have to say i have never seen anything like it. No wonder you get lots of orders. Alphabet Thursday has to be thanked for introducing me to people like you!

Christy said...

I just love your posts - the pictures you draw are amazing and I love seeing pictures of your family - I feel like I "know" them. oh, and I would totally send you muffins - but you are travelling! LOL

LV said...

As always, it makes my day brighter hearing from you and family. You simply astound me with your work. I would be more than happy to pay postage on anything you did, if I were to win. I could use one of a horse. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Susan Anderson said...

What a beautiful family you have! Thanks for sharing them with us.

I think I need to get myself in gear and order these for my grandchildren. I need to think about what the pictures should be and then I will be in touch.


Anonymous said...

These are truly wonderful. Have a great trip.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Simply amazing art work and your daughters are just darling!

Write Chick said...

You do not look like you're old enough to be the mother of those girls. :-)
P.S. Your artwork is AMAZING.

LisaShaw said...

Beautiful family photos and sketches! You are gifted!


bearlysane said...

Hi Maria...sorry it's been a case of too little time and so much to do lately. I have missed you and I am so glad I made time to stop by's wonderful post with beautiful art and fabulous family photos. You must be so very proud of your VERY HANDSOME family...twirly and whirly are so pretty (just like their mum).
Have a great weekend!
Warmest Hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane

Henley on the Horn said...

You are so talented! Thanks for visiting my blog today!

Nina in Portugal said...

You guys amaze me!

Your family is so incredible! Full of talent, good looks, and interesting lives.

You look like sisters in the one photo of you and your daughters.

God Bless You Maria!
Hugs across the Atlantic...

Penelope said...

so envious of your talent! So unique!

Betty Townsend said... these sketches, especially the Eagle one. My husband loves eagles. You have a lovely family. I'm so glad you found my blog.

Have a fantastic visit on the Big Island with your husband's family.

Blessings to you,

More Than Words said...

Hi Maria! What a blessing to be with all your children! I can imagine how much you treasure that time. I loved the photos, especially the one with all the girls! You all look like sisters!!!!!

XmasDolly said...

Those pictures are amazing. It's almost hard to believe that they were drawn with one word over, and over. Amazing. I really love the Angel one, and I can't wait to show my daughter Melissa the one you did with that! Also, thank you for stopping by. It's always a pleasure to see your sweet comment. Have a wonderful weekend.

xinex said...

The newspaper picture is precious. You all look so pretty and the recent pictures are even more precious. How wonderful to be all together. Enjoy your trip to Hawaii!...Christine

Mel_Cole said...

Hi there. Wow, I admire your life, Mam. You're so full of achievements! From a SAHM, creative artist, raising beautiful kids, now successful PHDs, and you yourself is now a PHD. I am inspired by that. I thought of looking for a career someday when my kids will go to college. I am thankful that it can be done like your life story. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's an honor to have met a beautiful blogger online like you.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Thank you to everyone for their taking a peek here in my little corner of this great big Blog world! And especially for taking the time for all your very kind comments. I usually try to return a reply through an email or directly in a comment on the posts of those who have stopped by, but wanted to also leave a comment here this morning :o)

I always look forward to finding new comments that are in my dashboard to be is like getting an unexpected gift :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
Oh...Mel, just wanted to say thankyou...We are very blessed with what are children have achieved and are achieving as doctors and students in college. I am a dental hygienist, but I don't have a PHD. I waited until our children were in high school to go to college (I was the oldest in my group of 23 that were going through the Dental Hygiene program ...and the years it took to get that degree were more than enough for me. :o)

Sometimes I do think that it would be awesome to say "Yes, I've been a hygienist for 20+ years" or "yes, I have my doctorate in...." ...but then I am so very happy and blessed that I was a SAHM! I would love to be a "stay at home" grandma, when that time comes :o)

Unknown said...

Wow.You sure are talented.By the way nobody can tell that you a are mother of three grown up children.You look like their sister.:-)

DT ~ RDH said...

Maria, have you ever seen the Tasty Island Honolulu food blog?? It's on my blog roll at the very bottom. I torture myself with it regularly!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Those are some good genes lady. All three of you are just gorgeous!

HeatherOz said...

I always love your sketches! So unique! I wonder if anyone else does THIS kind of artwork? It just amazes me!

HeatherOz said...

OH! I forgot to say...Have a GREAT time in Hawaii!

Michelle A'etonu said...

your drawings are simply amazing. and you gals are all so gorgeous!

Pondside said...

It's so important to take that family time - your relationship with your adult children will be longer than the one you had with them as youngsters. While we'll always be parents, it's lovely to have adult time!

H said...

Your sketches are amazing. I love the Apache helicopter :)

Jenny said...

I always think you look like a sister, rather than a mother to your kids!

You are very talented and I did not realize the picture was made with the name. Really neat talent! These would be great for a new baby. Now I just need someone I know to have one!

Thanks for the happy link to Alphabe-Thursday.

I always smile when I come here.

Have a wonderful and safe trip.


Veronica Lee said...

Beautiful family and what amazing talent you have, Maria.

You are truly blessed!

Kmama said...

Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog last week. I'm so glad I came to visit yours. You are extremely talented!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You are so talented! I can't even draw..let alone use letters to make it look good!

Diana said...

What a neat keepsake that newspaper clipping is going to be someday. You look like sisters, not a mommy and her daughters!

Your sketches continue to amaze me, Maria! Such a gift the Lord has blessed you with. ♥

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