Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Veterans & "Vaters"...

"VATER" is German for "Father"... I thought I would add that in, since we are working on the letter "V" fits perfectly! So...with Father's day coming up this weekend...

"Glucklicher Vatertag!"...Happy Father's day!

& to continue with the letter "V"...Veterans.

The following are some past photos of some of our family who have served in the military...

First are some of my Mr. B aka Hubby aka Honey, Sweetie, Hubba-bubba (I really don't call him this, but thought it's a cute nick name :o)

These were taken when we first were married.
He was in the Air Force, 
as a Space Shuttle/Crash Rescue/EMT fireman.

And this was during flight school:

And this was taken of my mom, hubby, me and my dad 
at the Flight School Graduation Ball:
Since I could not find the photo of Dave's dad in uniform, I am posting this one.

Mr. B's dad served in the U.S. Army.  During the Korean war, an explosion occurred and he was blinded for 2 weeks and also told that with injuries from shrapnel, he would not have kids. he is with Mr. B's mom right after they came home with their second of four children. This was  Mr. B as a baby.
I am sooo thankful that the docs were wrong! :o)

 Mr. B was born about 14 months after his older brother, followed by their sister - 13 months later and then 6 years after came their younger sister.

This Mr. B's Uncle Delbert.
(his mother's older brother)
He has such a sweet, loving way about him.
(late 1940's/early 1950's)

This is Mr. B's cousin Bobby.
He was very tall! Mr. B's dad was 6'1".
(Uncle Bobby was also much older than Mr. B and his siblings, so out of respect, 
the kids called him Uncle Bobby):
Uncle Bobby, Mr. B's Dad, Mr. B
brother Joey

This one is a photo of Mr. B's Uncle Peter.
Uncle Peter and his wife, Aunt Darlene, were the first of Mr. B's family 
that I met when we first started dating in New Mexico.
(Sept 1966)
at the Hilo, Hawaii airport.
Voovoo, Uncle Bobby, Uncle Peter, Mr. B's mom
Mr. B, brother Joey, sister Sandy


One of Mr. B's Dad's brother-Uncle George-retired Army colonel, 
gave General Westmoreland daily briefings during Vietnam.
(Nov 1966)
Aunt Patty and Uncle George
Mr. B and brother Joey


My dad is retired Air Force.
We traveled & lived mainly in the United States and the Pacific...
moving about every 2 years.


My Lolo served in the Philippine Army: 
He helped take care of me when I was really little :o)
 I remember him being fit and strong. 
I have more family on my mom's side that served in the Philippine Army.


This was taken when Mr. B and I were married. 
My dad and Mr. B were wearing their uniforms.
Dad, me, Mr. B, my brother Leonard, Mom


This is my brother Leo, who is currently in the Navy.
My SIL. their cutie, & their baby doll
welcoming him home from sea duty!

And if you  have been to my blog before, you have seen this photo of Mr. B.
It is one of my favorites. :o)
I asked him to "Please" take this photo.
***Isn't it great what our loved ones do for us? :o)***

It was taken after his last official flight.
Now he says he "flies a desk."

We both have more family that have served in the military, but these are the photos that I was able to find.  Thank  you to all those who have served or are currently serving in the military.  And also to all the families of military men and women.

These are past orders representing:

the ARMY





this one was just ordered last week and
sent out this past Monday for a Father's day gift from Kate.
Her dad owns his own catering business.

Kate is serving overseas. 
Thank you for your order and prayers for your safety.

Thank you, Jenny for another:
Jenny Matlock
Thank you, Alicia for
Friday Photo Flashback!

& joining in with:


Please be sure to check back for my 100th post and giveaways.  I really try to post at least one each it will be several weeks til my 100th. :o)


Muthering Heights said...

What a proud family tradition!

Brenda said...

What a wonderful family you have. I'd say hubba bubba. Great looking hubs you have.

A 2 Z said...


I'm a new follower. What a beautiful post about your family. You must be proud! Thanks for sharing.


Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

I love this post of past military men in your family. Thanks for sharing!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What wonderful photos and a proud family history of service in the military. Your husband is very handsome fellow!

Jo said...

What an amazing military history your family has. You must all be so proud!!!

Debbie Petras said...

You certainly have a military family. How thankful I am for those who served to preserve our freedoms.

I must say I love a man in uniform. Your men are so handsome Maria.

Love you and sending you a blog hug,

Pondside said...

What a history for your children - you must be proud of your extended family's contribution!

Anonymous said...

You should feel so proud of them. Each one has done the U.S. a brave duty. Thanks for sharing them.

Kat said...

What a wonderful post for V and for Father's Day. I have many family members who served in the military, including my father (Air Force) and brother (Navy). I don't think we can thank these wonderful men and women enough for their service! Kathy

2003beachbunch said...

Love,love the flashback pics! Esp the flight school graduation and your hubby's last flight! Very neat!

Ana Degenaar said...

What a lovely story Maria, I always love the photos!

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your family and looking at the wonderful pictures.

Can you and your husband get better looking?! You are the cutest couple!!!

jeff campbell said...

Such a wonderful post! Well done...So much war and military in your family...I will hope and pray for a more peaceful future for you all...we all need it:-) Peace and blessings

laterg8r said...

you must be very proud :D

wonderful pics :D

H said...

You have a great military tradition in your family. You must be very proud!

Viki said...

Wow, you have a great tradition on both sides of your family serving in the military. God bless them for what they do/did.

More Than Words said...

Wow!! I loved seeing all the pictures!!! What a blessing to have so many!

My lolo and uncles were in the Philippine army too!! I wonder if they knew any of them. My maiden name is "Gabat."

Bacardi Mama said...

You have some very handsome men in your life. You must be very proud of them.

Vicki/Jake said...

GREAT post this week! You and Mr B are such a cute couple and what an amazing legacy you have on both sides. My nieces hubby is leaving for his third tour to Iraq next week. they are all hero's...Thanks for posting such an honorable reminder.

Amanda Lee said...

Your family has quite an amazing tradition of service! You should be very proud!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my U-post. I am sorry that I may not have left a comment on your U-post. I will check on that and do that.

But I have read your V-post now!

What a nice tribute to all of your men in uniform! You have a fine family tradition!

My mother always wanted to take a picture of my father in uniform when he would go to his weekly reserves meetings. But I don't think she ever succeeded in doing that. So I know you must be very proud of your husband. I liked the photo of him with the helicopter blades in the background.

Best wishes and Aloha to you too!

Anna's V-word

cfoxes33 said...

Those pictures were amazing! I loved reading and looking at everything. Thank you so much for sharing.

Cheryl D. said...

Happy V-Day! Great use of the letter V!

Jenny said...

Oh my.

What a wonderful use of the Letter "V" for Alphabe-Thursday!

I always love coming here.

Your posts show your pride and love for your family...and rightly so. You have such a lovely one.

I enjoyed all these pictures and I always enjoy feeling like an honored guest when I stop here each week.

Thank you for that!

And thank you for linking up!


XmasDolly said...

Those pictures are so awesome! Every single one of them. You must be so very proud of your hubby, and family. These are great photos. You made a beautiful bride also. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm returning the visit, and also following you. Have a great weekend.

cj Schlottman said...

I can't imagine the pride you must feel - for your wonderful military heritage as well as for your nostalgic photos and easy prose. This is beautiful.

Thanks for dropping by The Red Sweater! I will probably worry about Carly forever. I live in Macon, and I go to Savannah every first Saturday to attend an ongoing writers workshop called Zona Rosa. We skip August. If you are interested in visiting, sometime,let me know!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

What a wonderful post. Beautiful photos!

Veronica Lee said...

That was a beautiful post. I love, love the pics.

Have a blessed weekend!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower from Friday Blog Hop. These pics are great. Stop by and say Hi!

MsRay said...

Aloha, Maria!

It's always a pleasure visiting your blog and seeing your lovely pictures.

Here's my answer to the questions you posted in my blog :)

I came to the US in 2007. First destination was Hawaii. I lived there from April 2007- May 31, 2009 and moved to South Florida on June 1, 2009. Hubby was not in the military. He was a Federal Agent.

Btw, my first name is also Maria. hehe! Actually, I have two (first) names: Maria Rayri.

In the Philippines, our middle name is our mother's maiden name.

Unknown said...

What a nice tribute to the letter V and Veterans! My husband is a Vietnam Veteran so I appreciate it....

LV said...

I wish there were more families like yours. You have one fine looking bunch. I can see why you set your heart for that man of yours. He is one handsome fellow. You make such a neat looking couple.

Lourie said...

What a wonderful post! And even the Coast Guard got mentioned! Woot. My hubby was in the CG for 20 years.

Annesphamily said...

Lovely tribute to your dad's and hubby, I like stopping by and thank you for posting this today. Hugs Anne

Natalie A. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have posted so many wonderful pictures of your family! Happy Father's Day to your husband! I hope you all have a great Sunday together!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Wonderful post to celebrate Father's day, and to honor veterans.
Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these photos are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I just love that you share all your wonderful photos and stories. Hope ya'll had an amazing Father's Day!

momstheword said...

Loved the pictures. What a beautiful bride you were and how awesome that hubby was in uniform.

My dad and brothers were all in the Navy (not at the same time, of course) and my dad was actually at Pearl Harbor the day it was bombed.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, how I enjoyed this post with the awesome photos of those special people who have served and are serving in the military. Perfect "V" post.

So nice stopping by to visit with you!

Kindly, ldh

Tina said...

I have so much admiration and respect for our men and women who serve our country and sacrifice so much to do so. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos. Question: how do you transfer old, non-digital photos to your blog? I've tried taking a picture of an old picture, but it doesn't usually come out very well. Any tips would be appreciated.

Susan said...

Please thank all those wonderful veterans!! I have a lot in my family as well.

WOWZA those sketches are totally awesome!!


Sue said...

Thanks so much for stopping by! I read your post just before I had to go to work, and wanted to visit and post when I had time to read and post back.
You have a beautiful place here - and you must be so proud of your military loved ones. I'm always so thankful to "meet" someone who understands the roller coaster ride that is ours when someone we love - or in some cases like yours and mine, two or more people we love are serving.
Thank you to your family and to you for your sacrifices. It never goes unappreciated.

Kel said...

With every new entry i read, the similarities in our families keep growing! :) I also come from a long line of proudly serving family members. My maternal Great-Grandfather served in WWII. My maternal Grandfather retired as a Col from the Army after serving 3 tours in Vietnam and two tours in Korea. My paternal Grandfather retired as a Master Chief Sergeant for the Air Force after serving in Vietnam. My father served in the Air Force for 16 years before changing careers. My Uncle is a Col, currently serving the Air Force. As a pilot, he has been on more missions than i can name. And my husband is currently serving in the Air Force. Blessing to your family members who are defending us currently. I will pray for their safe return.

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Thanks for sharing this post of your family in the military. I should do that some time. I had a few cousins and a grandfather and one brother in the military, as well as my hubby and myself. Hugs to your hubby from me from one veteran to another!

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