This is a post about our little heartbreaker...
(Tulsa, Oklahoma 1993)
It has to do with this:
Yep, the common denominator for these two different shoes is...
Back in Tulsa when Heartbreaker turned 3yrs old, for some reason, he really, really, really thought Nike shoes were the greatest. He could spot that swoosh anywhere! He would let us know whenever he saw a pair of Nike. Once, at church, he must have dropped something under the church bench, found it, and also made sure to say someone was wearing Nikes in front of us.
Looking back at old photos, Heartbreaker didn't have any of those "special" Nikes. Since then, he has had many pairs of Nikes and other brands, but I wonder what it was that had Heartbreaker's interest in that particular brand, back then?
Goodness, he was just 3!
& forward (to 2006), when Girly-Whirly had been introduced to this friend of one of her dear friends. He was starting or had just started up TOMS. She told Ben about him and his idea to start this company, whose motto is:
You can read about TOMS, HERE.
Around the beginning of 2007, Heartbreaker was invited to a TOMS shoe decorating party at church here in Georgia, where he purchased a pair for himself and a pair for both his sisters. From that time until now, he owns 5 pairs for himself and bought about 5 pairs total for others.
Summer 2009, he decided to organize a TOMS shoe event to be held at CSF. This TOMS event was a wonderful way for excited and giving college students to serve others, by joining up with a neat company that provides shoes for children that may not otherwise have been able to have shoes.
So, during Christmas break, he started taking photos for the following.
Here is an awesome video that Heartbreaker created from scratch for the "TOMS~Style your Sole" event (I love his creativity at putting this video invite together):
Here's a slideshow of some photos from Heartbreaker, taken at the event.
& One newsclip from UK's Christian Student Fellowship about the event...
Heartbreaker has always had a special place in his heart to help others. The summer after graduating high school, he was blessed to go on a church missions trip to Nicaragua. He and some other school/church friends were able to raise money to be part of this team from church. They lived with local host families during their stay.
(I'll post another time about his trip to Nicaragua and also Girly-Twirly's 2007 Honduras Dental Missions trip and Girly-Whirly's 2009 Roatan Island Dental Missions trip.)
I was not able to get all my photos together for my post about our children's separate missions will link this post up with the Rigg's family Blog Hop...
(I'll post another time about his trip to Nicaragua and also Girly-Twirly's 2007 Honduras Dental Missions trip and Girly-Whirly's 2009 Roatan Island Dental Missions trip.)
I was not able to get all my photos together for my post about our children's separate missions will link this post up with the Rigg's family Blog Hop...
Please come back again...I will slowly but surely have those posts of their awesome trips that truly blessed them while they were "serving others".
Heartbreaker in Nicaragua (2008)
Girly-Whirly on Roatan Island (2009)
& if you are new here, welcome!
...with most posts, I do try to include some past drawing orders.
Thank you Kori for the following drawing orders.

& if you are new here, welcome!
...with most posts, I do try to include some past drawing orders.
Thank you Kori for the following drawing orders.

Blessings & Aloha!
(With my work schedule, I've been working on my post a little at a time
throughout the week and then trying to post them for the
Friday Photo Flashback with Alicia.
And also joining in with this week's
throughout the week and then trying to post them for the
Friday Photo Flashback with Alicia.
And also joining in with this week's
Thank you for stopping by, taking a look around, and commenting :o)
(Also, it may take a while, but I will visit all those that have stopped by :o)
(Also, it may take a while, but I will visit all those that have stopped by :o)
I love the video he made!!! especially the part with the drawings :-)
We love Toms! Happy FF!
I know you must be so proud that all of your children have such a heart for the Lord and a desire to share with others. I enjoyed the video, as well as learning about the shoe ministry. It's great to know that college students -- who usually don't have any money to spare -- were willing to give to help children in need.
Wow! Your kids are just wonderful!! The video was so creative! Did he do those drawings too?
You are so blessed, my friend!
your sketches are fabulous!
The videos are amazing, Maria! Very professional looking! Your children all have good hearts and I am sure it's a result of their good upbringing. I finally got to post my awards a few days ago, lol...Christine
I love your sketches...they are so clever. I love the mommy baby pictures. They are so sweet.
What great kids!
Happy Friday Follow!
Following you from...
Maria, he is so talented. I loved his video. He obviously has a huge heart and that I am sure makes you so proud.
That is such a neat organization!!!
Your artwork is unbelievable! What you do with pen & ink is fantastic. Very inspiring.
Following you from FF!
Always love seeing your slide shows! Wow! You sure have SOMETHIN' to be proud of in your kids! I hope mine turn out OK! LOL
It is soooooo late, so I will check back in tomorrow to watch the video! I have never heard of TOMS but I am pleased with what you've said about them! I will also look into that tomorrow.
I just have to say, your family is so beautiful!! You can always tell when people are very happy in life- those are the people who are most photogenic! Have a great weekend!
Good Morning, Maria! So nice to come by for a visit to your lovely site! I have enjoyed perusing many of your posts and getting to know you and your family a bit better!
Thank you for your comment and becoming a follower! I look forward to building a friendship with you!
Kindly, ldh
That's fantastic. What a giving person the Heartbreaker must be.
Thanks for all the comment love you gave me:)
The sketches are amazing!! You are so amazing! It took me a sec to figure to figure out what you had done but wow!! Too cool:)
Hello! Happy Saturday! :) Your kid's have done amazing things! Your son was such a cute little boy! Thanks for sharing with us! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a wonderful weekend!
kids great sketches great what more could one ask for to create a perfect post
I love your pictures and art! Following from Friday Follow!
~ Coreen
PS. I was lucky enough to live in Hawaii for 3 1/2 wonderful years!!! In fact my middle son was born there and swears he's going back to live. Hope so, then I can come visit! :-)
Lovely blog post and your little heartbreaker is darling!
you must be so proud of your precious
the video was wonderful, but his heart
for the children is even more impressive.
i wanted to thank you, again, for giving
me the sweet award a couple of weeks
ago. someone posted a lot of things i
should have done that i just don't know
how to do...linking, etc.
hope i didn't hurt your feelings.
Your kiddos are amazing and so are you! I really enjoyed reading that post.
Hello there!
I found you through the "Friday Follow" and decided to follow you through Google Friend Connect. I'm looking forward to further exploring your blog! Come on over and visit us when you get a free moment. Happy blog hopping! <3
How cool! It is always good to have a child who has a heart for service! I can only pray that mine will pick that up too. Very neat Maria! Thanks for sharing!!
You surely have beautiful children Maria. It's great that they have a passion in caring for other people!
Ang ganda ng pagpapalaki mo sa kanila, nakakainspire(You raised them so well, I am inspired.?
You know I have never heard of TOMS. I wish I had. I would have taken part too. What a great idea. How wonderful that your children have been so involved in missions! It is very close to my heart! I pray we could help others more. I am able to give clothes to needy ladies and buy groceries for homeless at times but sometimes I get frustrated not being able to help more.
God gives opportunities though, like through TOMS. What a blessing! thanks for sharing! and thanks too for coming by to see us! =)
Dani Joy
Great video! You have creative kids.I enjoyed to see some of your drawings as always. Hope you're having a great week.
You always post such great photos of your family and have interesting stories to tell.
I love the Colt drawing (for obvious reasons) best.
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
Thanks for stopping (or hopping) by our blog. TOMS sounds like a neat organization. Will have to look more into it.
Thanks for visiting.
The funny thing is that just tonight my mom was asking me if I had ever heard of Toms before, and I said the only thing I knew about them was that they donate shoes to needy. So I was able to share this info with my mom.
Hello Maria, I am over from Every day I walk with You...
You have a great blog going here, I love the section about you, with similarities, fathers in the army, moving country, you are a cute baby girl, no doubt.
I am browsing like you!!!
Thanks for the story about the award, I often wonder how they start!!
Come back again. I am following by the way!
Happy blogging!
Your family is beautiful!
Have a great day!
hello, thanks for dropping by! :D
you can see picture of my kids here and tell me who do i look like? :D
How special your Heartbreaker is! What a heart of love he has for others and that creativity
I love to read about young people who care about others. All too often I read and hear about how self indulgent youth seem to be. But not your Heartbreaker. Mom did something right. However, I'm sure it was the Lord who chiseled and pruned to create such an awesome Heartbreaker.
I'm trying to catch up on your wonderful posts sweet friend.
Sending you a blog hug and thank you for all of your kind comments on Heart Choices.
Love you,
2 awards for you!!!
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