Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Remembering the Roly-Poly days!

We are so very blessed to have three beautiful, loving, caring children.

These are the more current photos that I was able to find of them.
They are not "Roly-poly" any more :o)

"Girly~Twirly" & her hubby "Awesome" ~ "Girly~Whirly" & her boyfriend "Amazing" ~ "Heartbreaker" & his girlfriend "Sweetie".

Thankful for all the old photos and memories that we have...
...and thankful for the new photos and memories that have yet to be created.

These are some photos of when they were "Roly~poly" babies...

~~~~~~~ her 4 month check-up, 16lbs. 14oz. & 26.5 inches
Holloman AFB, New Mexico
1983 birth, she weighed 8lbs. 2 oz. & was 20 3/4 inches.
At 9pm I was admitted into the hospital, & she was born at 10:43pm.

~6 months old..eating strained green beans for the first time~
Hilo, Hawaii
1984 the bath, after her greenbeans! this age, she first pulled herself up in the playpen.

~~~~~~~ her 4 month checkup, 18lbs. 11oz. & 25 3/4 inches
Ft. Rucker, Alabama
1987 birth, she weighed 9lbs. 2oz & was 21 inches.
I was admitted into the hospital at 1am, she was born at 1:40am.

...big sister helping her get ready for her bath. 4 months, her first tooth appeared! 

 She had the most rolls on her legs...9 on one and 7 on the other.

~~~~~~~ his 6 month checkup 
(I have to find that weight or length, 
but at 2 months, he was 15lbs. 10oz & 23.5 inches.)
Tripler Army Medical Center, Hawaii
1990 birth, he weighed 8lbs & was 20 1/4 inches.
6 minutes after they helped to "break my water", he was born @ 5:46am.

Admitted at 4:40am and I was put on the monitors, which was not reading my contractions correctly, since the leads had slipped.

I didnt have any epidurals or pain meds with either of the girls, so when I was told that my contractions were not strong enough and would be there awhile, I thought *Oh, if this isn't strong contractions, then maybe I really need an epidural or pain medication!*  

I kept saying, "if someone could just break my water!"  After 2 contractions, the doctor checked, my water broke and 6 minutes later, Heartbreaker was born. no time again for an epidural or pain meds.

Big sister sharing some of her banana. 5 months, he loved to make his mouth shaped in a perfect circle and say "oooo". & when we would say "close, open, close, open...", he would open and close his hands.'s bath time. this age, first thing most people seem to notice and will say is "What big eyes you have".


Joining in 
...Free Pretty Things For You's Whatever You Want Wednesday.
...with Jenny's  Alphabe-Thursday's "R" 
...and with Alicia for Friday Photo Flashback

Here are a number of art orders:

This one was drawn for a fellow blogger. She chose to have the initials for her two sweet children along with their last name initial.  What a great idea!

Here are some other monograms using the childrens' names.

The initials of the handsome Saunders boys.

The initials of the sweet Andreae girls.

This one is a little different. Both cuties' initials are included. however, the ampersand is drawn with the name of their sweet mom.

And this last one is of Dora the Explorer.

Signature for blog


Barbara F. said...

What beautiful babies and they grew up to be such good looking adults! Like their parents!! Visiting from Jenny Matlock. xo,

The Poet said...

Hello Maria. How are you?
I must say, your children when they were babies were really cute & adorable, but they have blossomed into beautiful adults, as are their spouses & partners.

You have a beautiful family and wonderful memories not only to reminisce over, but still yet to make.

Your photos are great too. I'm very impressed with your artwork. I wish I'd have known you a few months ago. I would have had you make something special for my in-laws 50th wedding anniversary , which they're celebrating next week. You are such a creative have blessed hands.

Thank you for sharing.

Best wishes.

My Reflection In The Mirror

EG CameraGirl said...

Your kids were such cute babies and they are great looking grownups!

joco said...

Nice trip down memory lane.
Your girls have slimmed down nicely since then :-)

xinex said...

I have to say it again Maria, you have a lovely family. They were so cute as babies, lol. Did you see the new pics of my grandtwins?...Christine

LV said...

If you based it on looks, they all have made good choices in "friends" and husband. All a fine looking bunch. I am a firm believer, that how your children grow up and turn out depends on the parents. You have done a remarkable job with yours. The world needs more like yours.

Chris H said...

What lovely babies you had... and they have all grown into lovely looking adults too.
I was a bit like you... had fast labours with NO pain relief at all.
Even when I had my last two, who were 10 pound 12 ounces and 10 pound 4 ounces I did not resort to pain relief!
Though if I'd know how much the 10.12 pounder was going to hurt I would have for sure! Hindsight is a fine thing. lol

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Your babies have all grown up.. Such beautiful children --as adults and as babies... Isn't it amazing how time has flown. My 3 sons are 48, 41 and 40 now... Mercy Me!!!!

Love the monograms...

Pat said...

A beautiful family, Maria! Love the nicknames you have for them too. The expression on Heartbreakers face while having his ears checked is priceless!

By the way...Mr. Outback's drawing is being matted and framed...they have a big backlog but it is getting done. The framer was fascinated with your work and thought it extremely well executed!!! As soon as I get it back will share with everyone.

Pondside said...

You had beautiful babies! There's something about lovely, roly-poly tummies and those chubby legs - just the way a baby should be, I think!

Ingrid said...

Time goes by so fast ! you have a baby and suddenly it is engaged !

Monica said...

Adorable babies! And they grew up into beautiful/handsome adults!!

Susan Anderson said...

Loved seeing the photos of your cute and cuddly babies.

They certainly have changed! (But they are cute as ever.)


La said...

Your Roly Poly dolls are precious and grew into gorgeous adults.

Ames said...

What a cutie! Our grandaughter loves t suck on a cantaloupe. She is also 5 months old.~Ames

XmasDolly said...

What a handsome family indeed! You had some might chubby babies. I luvs chubby babies mine were too. Those chubby babies grew to be lovely & handsome young people too! I personally miss my babies even though the adult baby is standing in front of me. Oh by the way Green leaves are candy like sugar coated gummy bears spearmint flavor, kind of like the candy called Chuckles, but in the shape of a leaf. Very good! Thanks for stopping by.

Judie said...

How well I remember those roly-poly days! Makes for a great snuggle!!

More Than Words said...

Gorgeous then, and gorgeous now!!! Always a blessing to see pictures of your family!

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

I love all the endearment names you gave to your children, so cute. The heartbreaker name makes me smile hehe/ One thing in common though. they're sweet kids and sweet lover to their partner. They were adorable when they were still a baby and gorgeous when thy're grown up

Jenny said...

Beautiful children...beautiful adults...beautiful family.

I love roly poly babies. And roly poly people.

I don't love roly poly caterpillars,though. They scare me. Just a tiny bit!

Thanks for the smile!

This was a really fun link this week.


Unknown said...

Oh the roly poly days! I love those days when they use to have the cute little baby fat rolls around their thighs :) They sure do grow up fast though! Your kids have grown up really well :)

Annesphamily said...

Hi Maria! I sure love coming over and it has been a long while. Busy summer. Hot and dry summer. I long for the cooler days! Ah....
Love all the baby pics. Terrific!
Enjoy the weekend.

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